Mark Hutker
Hutker Architects
Steve Siegel is one of New England’s most creative residential engineers; Steve has been an indispensable partner in bringing to life many of our firm’s most broad-minded, innovative, and successful homes; The ultimate collaborator, 100% of the time, a house design strengthens when Steve engages and enhances the spatial concept.

Jason Korb
Capstone Communities
Steve Siegel is more than just a structural engineer - he's thoughtful and analytical but also able to see the "big picture" that is so crucial to being an outstanding engineer. Steve and his team are crucial members of our team, from small to very large projects, they add exceptional value. I highly recommend Steve and Siegel Associates and we look forward to working with them on many of our future projects.

Bee Howes
Bee Howes Architect
I’ve worked with Siegel for nearly forty years. They have always been the consummate professionals, consistently putting my designs and the needs of the client at the forefront when developing the structural engineering solution. I’ve found them to be very versatile—equally at home working on a small addition or a major complicated new building. I can recommend Siegel Structural Engineers wholeheartedly. They will be an asset to your projects as they have been for mine.